Saturday, January 25, 2020

Examining The Use Of Motion Capture Film Studies Essay

Examining The Use Of Motion Capture Film Studies Essay Motion capture is a technique that records movements for fields like entertainment, sports, and medicine; it is the process of animating a virtual character through the means of capturing live motion of a human. Motion capture is normally used in games to animate characters and other objects by recoding motion from the human character that normally involves tracking sensors that has been placed in major body parts that require maximum motion and detecting their locations in three dimensional spaces. Motion capture captures human body, facial expressions, camera and lighting positions, and other elements. It measures position and direction and recording by computers. Motion capture for computer animation requires the use of human motion to be implanted onto the motion of the compute. There are two classes of motion capture technology, they are the on-line motion capture devices, and off-line motion capture devices. The on-line motion capture device wherein its main technology is based on magnetic sensors thatare mainly used for virtual reality and online television shows with artificial characters. The off-line motion capture device on the other hand wherein its main technology is based on optical motion capture from different camera views, off-line motion capture devices allow capturing of large motions that are important to maintain outstanding visual effects, it also allows the acquiring of delicate motion to properly convey motion. Motion capture is limited to movements that are possible, but it creates natural movements than manual animation and it saves more time. Before motion capture was even possible, rotoscoping was used and is still being used by some traditional animation studios to copy motion from films to cartoon characters. Many cartoon studios use rotoscoping, but only a few admit that they use it because they consider it cheating and a desecration of the art of animation. (Menache, 2000, p.2).In the Walt Disney film Snow White, Snow White herself and her prince were rotoscopedin 1937. The rotoscoping device was invented on 1915 by Max Fliescher to make production of cartoon films automated. The rotoscoping device projected live action film frame by frame then places on a lighted table to allow the artists to trace the image into paper. The idea of copying human motion for animated characters is of course, not new, they decided to use rotoscoping to create realistic human motion. Motion capture started in bio mechanic research then moved to education, sports, computer animation, and finally video games as technology evolved and is s till evolving until now. Rotoscoping today is still being used in visual effects and character animation. It was originally developed in the early days of cell animation; it can be considered a form of time-delayed motion capture. (Kerlow, 2003, p.338). Two dimensional rotoscoping is used for hand drawn cartoons, while the three dimensional rotoscoping gave birth to what we now call motion capture. Motion is anything that forms a before and after position, without this, motion is not even possible. Motion capture first requires a motion that is recorded for the skeleton fitting post-processing, second the artist will repeat and repeat the motion that should be taken until the director is satisfied, third is the post processing which its first stage is motion tracking which is used to detect the motion through the joints, and the last stage is the anatomic conversion, it produces the character s motion without interrupting the original motion. There are twocategories of human motion: pose estimation and tracking. Pose estimation is formulated as the inference of the articulated human pose from a single image. (Sigal, 2006, p. 3) Tracking is formulated as inference of the human pose over a set of consecutive image frames throughout the image sequence. ( Sigal, 2006, p.3)Motion capture cannot be produced when the human character cannot exhibit that certain motion, and if the motio n was not captured. Once the captured session or data did not meet its requirements or standards, it cannot be fixed for motion capture can only produce and capture live motion, instead the user should recapture the motion where the data went wrong. Captured motion must first be developed in many ways before being applied to robots that are human like. Proper alignment of body parts is essential in order to get the proper animation of the model, or else something might go wrong in the future. Motion capture is a software that captures human motion to make computer games and computer animation more realistic and true to life by requiring the user or the character to place magnetic sensors in any part of the body that detect individual position and orientation relative to the generator. There are different types of motion capture system: Electrical motion capture, Magnetic motion capture, and optical motion capture. Electrical motion capture uses technology that tracks motion from sensors using magnetic fields, normally one sensor per body part is enough, a magnetic motion capture, on the other hand, is a technique that is based on receivers that detect magnetic fields. In order to capture the human character s motion, magnetic motion capture uses magnetic sensors that measure relationships in space to a nearby transmitter magnetically,a magnetic sensor measures the position and orientation that is in relation to a transmitter, it requires the human character to wear magnetic sensors around his/her body that are capable of measuring their relationship to a centrally located magnetic transmitter (Alonso, N.D, p.55), and lastly, optical motion capture system, it is a motion capture system that is very accurate and is typically based on a single computer. It is usually used for medical applications and is usually places near the joints for humans and animals. An optical motion capture system does not need wirings because they depend on optical markers that are tracked visually. Optical systems plan positions of cameras in order to track down information. All most all of the optical capture systems can track reflective markers. An optical marker is a reflective ball that allowsa camera to track motion in space. In order to create the 3D position of the object, the system combines information of the different shots taken from different views from different cameras. Optical motion capture has been used to recover the fidelity of the motion of strolling adults, playing children and other lifelike activities. (Boulic, N.D. p.1) The motion capture system is also classified as the outside-in, inside-out, and inside-in system. These systems are where the capture sources and sensors are placed. The outside-in system is placed on the body and by collecting data; it uses external sensors, examples of which are camera based tracking devices. The inside-out system on the other hand collects external sources from sensors that are placed on the body. Lastly, the inside-in system, which sensors and sources are placed on the body, examples of which are electromechanical suits. Applications that have big benefits from motion capture are industries like medicine, sports, entertainment, and the law. Motion capture is also used in other fields like crash test dummies wherein motion capture is required for automobile safety tests. Non-entertainment applications for motion capture on the other hand are sports, medicine, and physical rehabilitation. Motion capture in medicine is used for gait analysis, which is useful in medicine for it makes it easy to detect certain abnormalities and changes by accurately separating the different mechanism during the cycle ofwalk by generating biomechanical data. Gait analysis is also used to determine treatment for pathological conditions. It is also used in applications like joint mechanics, sports medicine, prosthetic design, and analysis of the spine. Motion capture in sports is used to improve the performances of the athletes to analyze and study their movements to improve them and reserve them for future use. There are some motion capture studios that specialize in capturing motion for anything sport related especially for golf, which is very essential to golfers because every inch of his/her swing is analyzed to find and improve on areas, also is compares his/her swing to that of a professional. Motion capture in sports is better than actually videotaping the movement because the normal speed of a video tape is at 30 frames per second, while motion capture is capable of recording higher frequencies, meaning much more motion is recorded. Motion capture in the entertainment industry is the segment with the highest (of not the largest) profile especially for video games which is the most widespread and the most accepted in the entertainment application. Motion capture for video games is a very used system that requires live human motion. As game engines become faster, motion capture is also maturing. (Menache, 2000, p.34). Motion capture for films mainly involves stunts that are not humanly possible, by using realistic motion and extras like large crowds which are digitally generated to simulate a large number of crowds. Motion capture in law, on the other hand, is mainly used for evidence. The evidence used provides aid and support to help the jury understand the statement of facts and opinion form the witness, by means of action and facial expressions in order to get the case solved. Out of 50 people, 8 disagreed to the statement that motion capture is useful in fields like medicine and the entertainment industry, 6 people agreed, and 21 people were uncertain. This is probably because people do not know much about motion capture that they don t notice it in certain field. Before deciding to use motion capture, the user should think if the decided motion is possible for a human or an animal to handle. Also, the user should state the expectations and the demands as early as possible so that all of the user s concerns are addressed. The user should also think about the amount and size of markers to be used depending on a given situation so that the markers won t fall off or move around during the session knowing that a performer needs to wear markers that are near joints to easily identify motion. In order to capture simultaneous motion information, the user should equip the human character with the typical tight fitting black motion capture suit so that the markers will not move rather than just attaching invisible adhesive tape to get the natural look of the clothes as it moves. In order to create a virtual character, one must first identify the performer s motion. Always remember that motion capture takes time to produce and that you cannot fix a mist ake, instead you must redo it. If you decide to do facial and body motion for a character, you will need two separate setups, but you may also have one setup for each character, always remember that motion capture requires a frame of reference. Before getting a human actor to perform all the motion for the motion capture, a script and a blue print must be done first. After which, provide the human actor with the script and the blue prints in advance and tell everything about the character to the human character to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Rehears the motions first without the motion capture sensors so that the human actor will get familiarized and comfortable with his/her role; once the actor is already comfortable and is familiar with the role, get the human actor comfortable with the motion capture sensors that will be all around his/her body soon, always remember that preparations are still needed whether you have an in-house system or are hiring service provider. (Menache, 2000, p.88) in order to create motion capture, one needs to have experience. Out of 30 people, a majority agreed to the statement, while a minority either disagreed or were uncertain about the statement.This is probably because when crea ting something, one must have an experience, or else nothing productive will happen. Motion capture must be and must always be precise about the sizes of the character. If the computer model has different proportions from the subject, weird things may occur, an example is that a feet entering the floor because the characters legs are longer than that of the human actors legs. Motion capture requires motion that follows the laws of physics, otherwise it cannot be presented.12 out of 30 people are uncertain about this statement, this may imply that they are not sure whether it is possible to make motion out of anything that do not follow the rules of physics, 16 out of 30 people on the other hand agreed that movements that do not follow the laws of physic cannot be presented maybe because they believe that there will be a lot of errors if this happen, and 5 out of 30 people disagreed thinking that motion capture can generate any kind of motion impossible or not. Motion capture requires live motion, meaning it can only work in real time, although 9 out of 30 people were uncertain whether this statement is true or not, this is probably because some people do not know how motion capture works, but a whopping 23 out of 30 people agreed that motion capture only works in real time.Motion capture system is very expensive and 23 out of 30 people agreed so, it requires hard work and is time consuming for the actors and the technicians, although 21 out of 30 people were uncertain on whether motion capture is easy.Dogs, horses or any animal with four feet can be difficult to capture. 18 out of 30 people agreed that applying motion capture to 4 legged animals could be hard because animals don t actually perform all the time the way we want them to because animals, even tamed one are still considered wild and unpredictable, although 12 out of 30 people were uncertain and 3 out of 30 people disagreed thinking that animals obey every command as long as you treat them well and give them a doggie treat every time they do things correctly. Motion capture technique s are well known for preserving the distinctive signature of the real movement (Amaya, 1996, p.1) coming from the human actor. In spite of this, motion capture involves the use of special equipments; this requires the entire motion session to be recapped once a motion session is different from the already captured one. What I basically did was I looked for scholarly articles on the internet, gave out surveys, looked for books in the library that were related to my topic, and placed interesting or related texts on my note cards and paraphrasing them so that writing the actual research paper would be easy considering that you will just copy what is on the back of the note cards. A majority of the people who took part in my research paper were students from Computer Science in De La Salle University, and a minority came from Psychology Students from the same University. The results were reasonable and I would have said the same randomly if I did not research about the topic. The result s mean that motion capture is applied in our everyday lives whether we know it or not. Compared to the 2nd research, the 1st research was all about the opinion of other people on how they know about motion capture. Though impressive in its ability to replicate movement, the motion capture process is far from perfect. (Boulic, 1998, p.1)

Friday, January 17, 2020

Effectiveness Home Based Exercise Interventions Health And Social Care Essay

In this survey effectivity means betterment in measured results. Outcomes which are traveling to be measured in this survey are physical public presentation ( lower appendage muscular strength and hand-grip strength ) and functional capacity ( balance and walking-timed up and travel ) . For lower appendage muscular strength the chair stand trial normally used. The chair stand trial is a physical public presentation trial used to measure lower-extremity map. A 5 repeat trial is a step of strength ( Ward et al. , 2010 ) . Subjects ‘ manus clasp force mark in their left and right custodies will be recorded. Individual patients whose grip strength is less than the lower bound of the assurance intervals can be considered to be impaired clasp ( Bohannon, Peolsson, Massy-Westropp, Desrosiers, & A ; Bear-Lehman, 2006 ) . In add-on, balance and walking ( functional capacity ) and physical public presentation before and after exercising plan are measured including: ( a ) Berg Balance Scale ( BBS ) , which rated the public presentation of 14 specific undertakings ; ( B ) the Timed Up-and-Go Test ( TUG ) , which measures the clip required to acquire up from a seated place and walk 3 m ( two tests are allowed and the clip required in two tests is averaged ) . Furthermore, physical public presentation in each topic will be assessed by both the Chair Stand Test ( CST ) and Hand Grip Strength ( HGS ) . The chair stand trial is a physical public presentation trial used to measure lower-extremity map and manus clasp strength assesses clients ‘ manus force and strength.Justify why you wanted to analyze place based exercising intercession?The demand for a home-based preparation exercising plan to forestall falls among frail aged people is felt by some research workers ( Kamide, Shiba, & A ; Shibata, 2009 ) . There are promoting informations to demo effectivity of home-based exercising among aged people in maintaining and increasing functional and wellness position, when carried out right ( Hinrich 2009 ) . Nelson et al 2004 summarized that a home-based exercising plan in community-dwelling seniors with functional damage is executable and effectual in bettering functional public presentation, despite limited supervising. They besides added that home-based exercising plans that focus on strength and balance preparation improve functional public presentation in aged people and should be promoted by the allied wellness community ( Nelson et al 2004 ) . A more recent RCT emphasized on feasibleness of home-based exercising plan for aged people populating in community ( Matsuda, Shumway-Cook, & A ; Ciol, 2010 ) . In add-on home-based exercising plan can get the better of the job of center-base plans including, deficiency of public handiness of hi-tech installation in developing courtiers, t ransit barriers for aged, the job of cost-benefit and cost effectivity of any hi-tech plan ( Nelson et al. , 2004 ) . Conformity, which is a major job in centered-based exercising among aged people, can be achieved by home-based plans. Previous researches accent that attachment to any exercising plan is low among aged people particularly in long tally ( Campbell et al. , 1997 ; Dishman, 1991 ; Gobbi et al. , 2009 ; Sturnieks, St George, & A ; Lord, 2008 ; Sun et al. , 2005 ) . Blanchard 2008 stated that less than 15 per centum of aged people participate in center-based exercising plan. He added that to accomplish a larger figure of participants, there has been a displacement toward implementing home-based rehabilitation plans. Home-based muscular strength preparation can be considered as an option to expensive and low conformity clinical-based musculus preparation ( Blanchard, 2008 ) . Many research workers have suggested more community tests designed to get the better of barriers and supply support for inactive aged people to get down exercising plans ( Judge, 2003 ) ; nevertheless, merely a few ra ndomized controlled intercessions studied on falls have investigated the effects of home-based preparation intercession among the community-dwelling elderly people. A home-based preparation exercising should be directed toward beef uping weak musculuss and balance. The effect of muscular failing and co-contraction is lack of assurance ( Tinetti, Richman, & A ; Powell, 1990 ) which makes aged people loss their assurance and fright of falls ( Hill, Schwarz, Kalogeropoulos, & A ; Gibson, 1996 ) . Fear of falling deteriorates the balance reactions and leads to increased hazard of falls and increased hazard of hurt ( Okada, Hirakawa, Takada, & A ; Kinoshita, 2001 ) . Loss of assurance among aged people consequences in functional restrictions and may do limitation in activity due to fear of falling, which is really common job among community-dwelling older grownups with or without experience of falls ( Hansma, Emmelot-Vonk, & A ; Verhaar, 2010 ) . So, it is logical that improved muscular strength can ensue in assurance, cut down fright of falls, addition balance and lessening hazard of falls. A great figure of surveies have proposed that merely extra research with frail aged persons will assist reply if home-based preparation would better balance in older ages ( Nelson et al. , 2004 ; Baker et al. , 2001 ) .What are the issues / job with place based intercession exercising?There have been some jobs in old home-based plans. They still rely on most adept forces who closely supervise their patients and supply them with high criterion attention at their place ( Gardner, Robertson, McGee, & A ; Campbell, 2002 ; Nelson et al. , 2004 ; Luukinen et al. , 2007 ) . The others emphasize on individualized tailored plans ( Clemson et al. , 2010 ) which raises the cost of intercession plan. Furthermore, these plans, although were reported to be effectual, deficiency in big scale randomisation was the chief restriction of the surveies ( Nelson et al. , 2004 ) . In add-on, because of low wellness literacy among Persian aged population, any home-based preparation intercession without prop er supervising and attachment will non be able to accomplish its aims ( Carpenter, 2010 ) . A good cited survey suggested that aged people need supervising to better strength in a home-based scene ( Baker et al. , 2001 ) . To get the better of the job of wellness illiteracy among aged people we planned to affect participants ‘ grownup kids who have the most interaction with the client in developing plan to oversee him/her during preparation and make full up the log books.How would command external factors in place based intercession?To command external factors of the intercession, the survey will be done on falls high hazard aged people in urban countries who are cared by a female attention givers for the exercising plan ( homogeneousness of attention givers is an of import issue and is discussed in inquiry 6 ) . Some features of the participants such as age, gender, degree of instruction, matrimonial position, occupation, economic position, Activity of Daily Life ( ADL ) and IADL, Medications, Mental position, self-rated wellness are controlled in this survey.How would you find that the respondents willA followA instructions given?In order to corroborate truth of participants and attention giver ‘s public presentation ( monitoring and recording ) , orientation session and regular place visit are planned. Orientation session: Each participant is instructed to execute the instructions right. The first session of direction is allocated to teaching the participants and their attention givers how to execute the exercisings. A household member as attention giver patterns make fulling the log book in the plan in presence of research worker before beginning of the preparation. Home visit: Researcher will go to at participants ‘ place in exercising session one time a month ( three times in 12 hebdomads ) . To be assured about participants ‘ conformity, a female close household member will be instructed to make full the log books which reflect the sum of exercising aged client has done. Each log book is filled during each session and submitted to researcher at the terminal of month. Subjects ‘ household member will be allowed to name the research worker during the plan to inquire their inquiries. Furthermore, the research worker will name them semiweekly to guarantee proper public presentation of the preparation plan.How would you command for homogeneousness of sample/ respondents in your survey?Participitants will be recruited from about 1200 aged people in part. Random sampling will be applied to delegate at least participants ( N=60 ) into intercession and control groups. The survey is planned to enroll at least 30 topics in each groups. Because of likely abrasion, trying will go on to accomplish at least 60 participants complete the 12 hebdomads exercising. To increase the homogeneousness of the participants all participants will be recruited from abode of urban countries. All topics should be 60 old ages old and above, had old experience of falls in last 12 months. Furthermore, they should hold a female household member as a attention giver ( aged 18-50 ) who has wellness literacy. Health literacy will be tested by a criterion questionnaire called Rapid Estimates of Adult Literacy in Medicine ( REALM ) . In order to keep homogeneousness of attention givers, merely female attention givers are included. Exclusion standards are acute cardiorespiratory diseases ( approved by a heart specialist ) , terrible dementedness ( MMSE ) , audile lack, vestibular change, impaired vision, hearing and motor coordination restricting exercising ( approved by a brain doctor ) , unable to walk independently more than 10m, old hip replacing surgery, old history of lower appendages fracture in last 12 month, terrible articular engagement restricting physical activity and exclusion for any ground by orthopaedic sawbones. Furthermore, aged people with high vigorous degree of activity in last 12 months will be excluded from the survey. All topics will be matched and indiscriminately assigned in intercession and control groups, utilizing random figure tabular array. To make random allotment, after baseline appraisal, topics will be divided into two groups based on features, harmonizing to random Numberss table. Thereafter, one group will be allocated to the intercession and the other group to the control.What is the exact exercising protocol that you would utilize to mensurate effectivity?Exercise protocol is designed by American Heart Association ‘s ( AHA ) recommendation for maintain musculus strength, balance and falls bars in 2007. This protocol is planned to better musculus strength and balance among high hazard community aged people for falls. The same instructions with some differences are recommended by research workers in New Zealand in Otago survey. Intervention group will have 12 hebdomads exercising preparation in presence of their household attention givers. The first session after randomisation for intercession group will be held in client ‘s place to teach participant and his/her attention giver how to make the exercisings. Since there is no demand for any excess device, all the exercising can be demonstrated in a client ‘s ain place. The plan is non separately tailored, but will be done separately at place. In add-on to face to confront instruction, participants will be given a pictural brochure of all preparation exercising. They will be instructed how to utilize the preparation brochure. A flexible timetable ( harmonizing to participants ‘ penchant ) in a log book will be arranged for the topics to apportion 40-50 proceedingss for exercising three times a hebdomad. Each session consists of a 5-10 proceedingss warm-up, 30 minute strength preparation, and 5-10 minute cool-down preparation. They will be in structed to follow sequences of the preparation as warm up, exercising and cool down.What would the sample size be, taking into considerations attrition rates etc. Decidedly 30 is non plenty. Cells will be empty.In most of old intercessions sample size is less than 70 ( Kameide et al 2009 ) . However, in this survey random sampling will be applied to delegate participants ( N=100 ) into intercession and control groups. The survey is planned to enroll at least 50 topics in each groups. To increase the homogeneousness of the participants all participants will be recruited from abode of urban countries.You are trusting to beg aid from carers? ? ? How would you specify carers? Issue of gender, live-in? ? ? ?A Since, a big figure of community aged people in Iran are illiterate and are non able to enter their exercising in log books, this survey will inquire for aid of a attention giver. Care givers will be recruited from participant ‘s interested close female household member. All attention givers will be recruited from household members who are populating with their parents or able to see them often at their place ( at least one time every other twenty-four hours for one hr ) . They will be tested for wellness literacy to be able to make full in the log books. To guarantee homogeneousness of attention givers, they will be recruited from female household members, between 18 to 50 old ages old, able to see the participant freely and are willing to assist the participant. Both participant and attention giver should accept and subscribe the informed consent to be involved in research procedure. The chief function of household member attention giver is to supervise the participant during exercising and record the exercising in logbook. Furthermore, they can name the research worker to inquire any inquiry about any likely job in any phase of the survey.AimsThis survey is planned to look into the relationship between muscular strength to hazard of autumn among community dweller aged people. To accomplish this aim, the following specific ends are followed: To depict the topics ‘ muscular strength, self-efficacy, fright of falls and balance before and after intercession To analyze the relationship between topics ‘ muscular strength and hazard of falls before and after intercession To analyze the relationship between topics ‘ background variables, muscular strength, self-efficacy and fright of falls before and after intercessionConceptual ModelThis survey will be conducted based on a modern biologic theory called â€Å" wear and tear † theory and Orem ‘s self-care theory. In this survey the wear and tear theory is used to explicate why muscular strength and balance deteriorates during old ages. Orem ‘s self-care theory is utilized to explicate how self-care through exercising can keep and better an old individual ‘s ability for balance and cut down the hazard of falls. Furthermore, Bandura ‘s self-efficacy explains the moderating function of self-efficacy between muscular strength, fright of falls and balance to hazard of falls among aged people.Proposed conceptual modelBackgroundAgeGenderMarital StatusEducationMental positionSeleniumChronic DiseasesMedicineHealth literacyADL/IADLSelf-rated Health( IV )Muscular StrengthFear of FallsSelf-Efficacy( DV )Falls Hazard( Balance )

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Alcohol Dependency And Its Effects On The Community

Alcohol dependency has grown to be stigma in the community which is responsible for growing problems into the world. It can also remain defined a deep-rooted disease of the brain which might also bear the damaging outcomes on brain as addiction fluctuate the working pattern of human brain that can be for long period. It is even hard for a person after circulate the addiction on alcohol dependency as soon as that is attached per a substance. Moreover, human beings use alcohol to keep away themselves from worries, to keep calm themselves and to boost up their confidence but they were not aware with the period, person become slave to alcohol and habit of dependency is difficult to overcome. Besides this, some people uses alcohol as they feel†¦show more content†¦The purpose for cleansing represents a cure end-point of the interacting factors about hooch dependence, tolerance yet withdrawal. Another process of withdrawal of alcohol from person body is delirium tremens. The proce ss of delirium tremens is usually between 3 to 5 days after conclusion of alcohol. It is the most complicated method of alcohol withdrawal. A complete body trial which includes a neurological analysis is essential at preliminary advice in accordance with provide a baseline assessment before treatment because sometime the patient face some worse physical symptoms, e.g. tachycardia, hyperthermia, hypertension and tachypnea (Martin,2008). Medicine plays one of the key role in alcohol addiction treatment. The goal of medicine is to minimize the depth of the unremitting cravings for alcohol and limit the frequency over relapse and the quantity of alcohol consumed. There are mainly three medicine use in alcohol addiction that are approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Firstly, Antabuse commonly known as Disulfiram is one of the oldest drug in the market approved for the treatment of alcoholism for more than 50 years. It breakdown alcohol product and it cause extremely unpleasant reaction when alcohol is consumed called down acetaldehyde. Disulfiram may decrease consuming by way of inducing a fear regarding a poisonous reaction; however, there is no evidence on stoppage enhancement,Show MoreRelatedCommunity Case Study1342 Words   |  6 PagesSusan was an 18-year-old loafer, since her teens Murphy has been a habitual runaway. Susan and her mother did not work well together. She has failed high school and is an inexperienced worker. A criminal justice officer invited her to settle in a community center for treatment. Springer, McNeece, Arnold, 2003 explains, Susan arrive into the healing center thin in weight and messy disheveled hair. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Essay on Medical Marijuana Should NOT Be Legal For Minors

With the major and ongoing controversy of the legalization of marijuana, medical marijuana has been thrown into the limelight as an excuse as to why marijuana is â€Å"good.† But with medical marijuana’s supposed advancements, more and more doctors are prescribing it to anyone who claims to have a headache and now they are moving their clientele base to young children and teens who are not even old enough to know the long-term damage of the â€Å"medicine† their doctors are so willingly prescribing. While many doctors are beginning to jump on the medical weed train, others are continuing to speak against the effects; especially on minors. In order to prevent permanent damage to the young children, medical marijuana needs to be outlawed for anyone†¦show more content†¦The director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse said that she was particularly worried about the risk of dependency because dependency was already high among minors and people with ADHD . The forms that Dr. Talleyrand makes his underage patients sign, agrees because it states that possible side effects include: mental slowness, memory problems, confusion, rapid heartbeat and can lead to dependency on the drug. With non-serious health problems, medical marijuana is too much of a risk for underage children. Not only are there very few reasons to prescribe the drug in the first place, but the mental and physical health of the young patient is compromised every time a doctor recommends marijuana as their medicine. According to the New York Times, researchers have linked the use of marijuana by adolescents to increased risk of psychosis and schizophrenia. The longer marijuana is taken, the more chances there are for it’s effects to start damaging the brain and impairing the patient in the way that complex tasks, are more difficult or impossible to do. Krista Medina, who is as assistant professor of psychology at the University of Cincinnati stated that not only a re thinking abilities impaired, but adolescents brain activationShow MoreRelatedHemp Cultivation in China42289 Words   |  170 Pagesand rapid changes brought about through the influence of Western agricultural advisors, modern cultivation equipment and the introduction of improved hemp varieties. 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